LEAD Program

新近重新设计的领导力教育与发展(LEAD)证书旨在满足学生的需求. 我们已经简化了证书,所以学生可以完全在线或面对面完成它.

你会发现没有GPA要求,因为我们相信每个人都有成为领导者的潜力. 该证书是根据学生的意见创建的,并解决了关键的相关主题:

每个参与者与领导顾问一起工作,他将指导学生完成整个过程. 该证书将在一到两个学期内完成. 该课程为学生提供了很多选择,并且是自主学习的.

LEAD项目提供各种各样的体验. 该课程旨在通过一系列工作坊帮助学生提升和探索领导潜力, courses and community service opportunities. 个性化的领导力证书将为未来转学院校和雇主验证领导力教育和培训.

Benefits of earning the LEAD Certificate include:
Enhancing your resume; Increasing your marketability for transfer to a four year college or building a career; Quality to add to scholarship applications; Giving back to your community by volunteering; Improve communication and conflict management skills; Network with other students, faculty, staff and alumni; Build a better Finanical Future; and Learn Creative Problem Solving skills.

报名参加该计划,请填写 LEAD Certificate Program registration form.

Email the Student Life & Leadership Development Office, or call (585) 292-2534 for more information!

Video Resources

Complete the video assessment form after viewing one of the videos below.

这些视频中表达的观点和观点是演讲者的观点和观点,并不一定反映澳门官方娱乐游戏平台的观点或立场. These videos are the property of the TED Foundation and YouTube and are reposted for educational purposes only.

Conflict Resolution


Kwame Christian: Finding Confidence in Conflict (Video)
Director of the American negotiation Institute, 夸梅告诉我们解决冲突的另一种方式. 夸梅·克里斯蒂安(Kwame Christian)是一名商业律师,也是美国谈判研究所所长. In this role, 他担任律师和公司的谈判顾问,协助完成大型商业交易. 他还为组织举办现场培训课程. Kwame hosts the podcast “Negotiate Anything,,他采访了成功的专业人士,并分享了强大的说服技巧. With over 140,000 downloads and listeners in 140 countries, 它是全国排名第一的谈判和争端解决播客. Kwame is the proud husband of Dr. 惠特尼·克里斯蒂安和凯·克里斯蒂安的父亲这个演讲是在TEDx活动上发表的,使用了TED会议的形式,但由当地社区独立组织. Learn more about the TEDx Program.

Jonathan Marks, Lawyer and Bioethicist

Jonathan Marks: In Praise of Conflict (Video)
Conflict is bad; compromise, consensus and collaboration are good -- or so we're told. 律师兼生物伦理学家乔纳森·马克斯(Jonathan Marks)对这种传统观念提出了挑战, showing how governments can jeopardize public health, 人权和环境,当他们与工业合作时. 这是一个重要而及时的提醒:共同利益和共同立场不是一回事.

Dorothy Walker, PMP

Dorothy Walker: 3 Ways to Resolve a Conflict (Video)
项目经理多萝西•沃克表示,任何人都可以帮助解决冲突. With three simple steps, 她分享了如何用正能量来解决朋友之间的矛盾, coworkers, strangers, kids and beyond.

Dorothy Walker, PMP, 是富国银行的认证项目经理以及调解人和调解人吗. 她是解决冲突的倡导者,相信每个人都可以用正能量面对挑战,在一个更加协作的环境中解决纠纷. Walker received her PhD in 2015, 写关于能量转移对人际冲突影响的论文. She is also a painter, writer and poet, 目前正在和丈夫一起写一本关于人际关系的书.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Cole Blakeway

Cole Blakeway: We Are All Different - and THAT'S AWESOME! (Video)
What is it that makes you different? What makes you jump out of bed? Cole Blakeway, 一个邋遢的十岁孩子向我们讲述了他与史蒂文的美好友谊,让我们懂得了庆祝差异的价值, a 44 year old man with Autism. In a world that gravitates to being the same, 科尔·布莱克维提醒我们,我们都是不同的,这很棒.

Meagan Pollock, PhD

Meagan Pollock, PhD: How to Become an Inclusive Leader (Video)
Belonging and being valued are fundamental human needs. 包容性领导有助于解决这两个关键需求并提高绩效, collaboration, attendance, and reduces turnover. This life skill is helpful for everyone, yet it is imperative to create cultures, schools, teams, and organizations that drive equitable outcomes

Janet Stovall

Janet Stovall: 如何认真对待工作场所的多样性和包容性(视频)
想象一下,在这样一个工作场所,所有肤色和种族的人都能爬上公司的每一个阶梯——我们在工作中学到的关于多样性的教训实际上改变了我们所做的事情, think and say outside the office. How do we get there?

Group Dynamics

Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely

Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely: How Can Groups Make Good Decisions? (Video)
We all know that when we make decisions in groups, 它们并不总是正确的,有时还会大错特错. How can groups make good decisions? With his colleague Dan Ariely, 神经学家马里亚诺·西格曼一直在通过对世界各地的现场人群进行实验,研究我们是如何相互作用来做出决定的.


Jim Tamm: First step to collaboration? Don't be so defensive! (Video)
吉姆·塔姆(Jim Tamm)是加利福尼亚州的前法学教授和高级行政法法官. He mediated nearly 2,000起劳资纠纷,并下达了影响国家劳工政策的法律裁决.

Daria Vodopianova

Daria Vodopianova: 重新思考群体动力学:如何在一起变得更好(视频)
达莉亚·沃多皮亚诺娃给自己设定了一个使命,从她的专业和个人环境中获得最大的价值. 她决定仔细观察她的互动并重建它们——她的结果令人兴奋. 她那些简单易行的建议是学校改革的典范, corporate environments and in our daily lives.

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